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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Why Hashmal 100?
    The global fight against the climate crisis does not bypass Israel. In the coming years, all organizations and companies in Israel will be required – either by the state or following stakeholders' demands – to take action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning to renewable energy-based electricity is one of the simplest and most economically viable ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Hashmal 100 initiative was established with the goal of assisting the business sector in setting goals, formulating a work plan, and implementing the transition to electricity from renewable energy in a meaningful and effective way.
  • 2. Why focus on electricity and not zero carbon emissions?
    Achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions is a complex challenge. Currently, very few companies can realistically set a target of zero emissions. Total emissions attributed to a company, including emissions in the distribution and supply chains, arise from overall activity and may not necessarily be under its direct control. On the other hand, a company can directly manage its consumption of renewable electricity, its sources being more manageable. Responsible electricity usage contributes significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the business sector. Therefore, focusing on electricity from renewable energy is a strategic first step to achieve maximum reduction of emissions over time.
  • 3. Why specifically Hashmal 100?
    Without the business sector, the State of Israel will struggle to meet its renewable energy targets set for 2030 and 2050. Established by the business sector, Hashmal 100 presents a precise response to the needs of Israeli businesses in managing the climate crisis and enabling them to lead the revolution. Hashmal 100 is managed and supervised by academia – Afeka College and the Climate Initiative of Tel Aviv University - and by the environmental arena. These provide professional support to companies committed to the initiative, ensuring reliability, and avoiding "greenwashing." The initiative is supported by the Manufacturers Association of Israel.
  • 4. Can an organization in Israel realistically achieve the goal of 100% electricity from renewable energy?
    While renewable energy currently constitutes only 10% of the country's electricity generation, each individual consumer can reach the goal of 100% electricity from renewable energy through a combination of two main channels: generating electricity from a renewable source and purchasing renewable energy through contracts. Principally, the most environmentally and economically viable solution is the production of electricity from on-site renewable energy facilities (such as PV, wind, biogas, etc.). However, for many businesses in Israel, this solution alone is not sufficient to achieve 100% renewable energy, due to limitations in available space and constraints in the power grid. Therefore, supplemental purchase of green electricity from external sources is necessary. For this purpose, there are various contractual tools such as power purchase agreements (PPAs), buying renewable energy certificates (iREC), and others.
  • 5. What do Hashmal 100 partners gain?
    Hashmal 100 partners enjoy numerous benefits: A. Dialogue with Electricity 100 representatives regarding goal setting and the work plan at all process stages. B. Monitoring and approval of compliance with goals, the work plan, and ongoing reports along the path toward 100% renewable energy. C. Exposure of partners’ activities in obtaining electricity from renewable energy in Israel, including: • Publication on the Hashmal 100 website • Publication of an annual status report of Hashmal 100 • Approval to use the Hashmal 100 logo in the company's marketing materials D. Peer learning: Sharing knowledge among companies committed to 100% renewable energy. E. Recognition by financial organizations of the commitment of Hashmal 100 companies to 100% renewable energy. F. Collaborative activities with policymakers to overcome barriers.
  • 6. What is the difference between zero carbon initiatives and the Hashmal 100 initiative?
    In the State of Israel, the production of electricity from fossil fuels (gas and coal) is one of the most significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. The Hashmal 100 initiative focuses on generating electricity from renewable energy sources, reducing emissions for the committed companies. Hashmal 100 views carbon zero initiatives positively and as complementary efforts in the collective response to climate change. However, the solutions required for carbon zero can be very comprehensive and may lie beyond a company’s control or not be fully technologically feasible in Israel. Additionally, reporting in carbon zero initiatives demands operational and complex computational skills, which may not be accessible to all companies. Conversely, the transition to renewable energy-based electricity consumption is entirely feasible. Moreover, it is easier and more straightforward to implement, measure, and report. Of course, it significantly contributes to emission reduction.
  • 7. What is happening globally? Do organizations equivalent to Hashmal 100 exist?
    The inspiration for the Hashmal 100 initiative comes from the international initiative RE100, which globally brings together companies committed to 100% electricity from renewable energy by 2050. The RE100 initiative targets the international market and presents high barriers to entry that most companies operating in Israel cannot overcome. Companies participating in RE100 are eligible to be partners in the Hashmal 100 initiative, subject to furnishing the appropriate approvals. As Israel’s energy market is relatively small and not core to the international marketplace, it requires local leadership. Furthermore, the unique characteristics of the Israeli market, the structure of the local electricity industry, and existing regulatory constraints call for a mechanism tailored to the Israeli economy.
  • 8. Which sources of energy does Hashmal 100 consider renewable:
    We recognize the following as renewable sources of energy: Solar Wind Hydroelectric Wave Biomass, including biogas (recommended according to ISO 13065:2015 Standard)
  • 9. What pathways does Hashmal 100 recognize as the foundation for achieving 100% electricity from renewable energy?
    Hashmal 100 acknowledges two main pathways: A. Self-generation of electricity: electricity generated on the company's premises or in areas/sites owned by the company; the generated electricity is intended for the company's direct operations (Scope 1, GHG Protocol). B. Electricity procurement: purchasing electricity from external suppliers that allows for direct allocation to the company's operations (Scope 2, GHG Protocol), including: • Bilateral agreements (PPA) • iREC (International Renewable Energy Certificates) To ensure the reported sources of electricity and avoid double counting of credits, Hashmal 100 peers will be required to provide – in their annual monitoring – evidence of the exclusivity of the consumed electricity (iREC certificates, electricity bills, production meters, etc.) before the Technical Committee.
  • 10. Is the purchase of iREC recognized by Hashmal 100?
    Yes. Hashmal 100 recognizes the purchase of iREC as utilization of renewable energy.
  • 11. Does Hashmal 100 recognize bilateral contracts (PPA) as renewable energy?
    Hashmal 100 recognizes electricity purchased via bilateral contracts from renewable energy suppliers. In the case of an integrated supplier that provides electricity from both renewable and non-renewable sources, an allocation certificate (iREC) for the energy source is required.
  • 12. Can a partner’s marketing materials include declaration of affiliation with Hashmal 100?
    Absolutely! We encourage Hashmal 100 partner companies to proudly display their commitment to the initiative and even incorporate and distribute the "Hashmal 100" logo on their website and marketing materials, subject to approval from "Hashmal 100" provided upon registration.
  • 13. How then to join Hashmal 100?
    Cordially invited to join the leading companies in the Israeli economy towards achieving 100% electricity from renewable sources by the year 2048! The process contains multiple steps, a full explanation given in the "Joining" page. If you have any further questions on the subject, we are always happy to respond via email:

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